That means picking up a minigun from a supermutant nets you 500 rounds of 5mm.

Pick up every gun you come across, weapons that use ammo will give you one full magazine's worth of ammo when looted.It's also worth clearing our Raider and Gunner bases to find their stashes as well.

Places like military forts and bunkers, as well as law enforcement buildings will no doubt have security lockers filled with weapons and ammo.

For example, having a Pipe weapon (with ammo that can be found easily) a laser weapon (with less abundant ammo sources) and a sniper rifle (rare ammo) lets you fall back to other options. Carry 3-4 different weapons with different ammo types to add variety and spend less rare ammo.Increase you ability to find ammo elsewhere with the Scrounger Perk.Besides traders, you can only find ammo off enemy corpses, in Ammo Crates/Big Chests, and statically placed in the world.