When things don't align, and the simple 45° rotation isn't sufficient for fine-tuning, you can always use the method of keeping the right mouse button pressed to adjust the intersection's rotation down to the degree. Road intersections usually automatically snap to the roads around them if there are any - or at least they should. However, as demonstrated by the water mills, the upper, dynamically-rotating part of the object doesn't move, but the base of it does, however, said base barely has any distinct design features save for a small door to show said rotation.Īnother common issue is the rotation of roads. Another common "problem" is the rotation of windmills - these rotate automatically to catch the most wind, so when right-clicking them seemingly nothing will happen. So, that’s all about Cities Skylines Cheats and Console Commands, hope this helped! We’ve got lots more tips, tricks and of course, cheat codes for various games on Gamer Tweak – be sure to explore the site for more.Now, many players change the control layout to have the right mouse button control the camera instead, however, this disables object rotation, and is one of the most common causes for the frequent appearance of "how to rotate objects?" threads. With it, you can enjoy the game as you wish because of the level of control you get. This will activate the Developer UI when you launch the game after these changes.Find Cities: Skylines and right-click on it.If you’d like to see the Developer UI, you need to launch the game with one tweak. Note that Steam achievements will be disabled when your in-game mods are active. Lastly, with Unlock All, progression milestones will stay unlocked always.Similarly, when you choose unlimited soil, you can landscape without any limitations.When it is activated, oil and ore will not reduce from the terrain. If you don’t want unlimited money, but instead want unlimited oil and ore then click on the check box on that option.Unlimited Oil, Ore, Soil and All Unlocked When you want to challenge yourself again, turn off the cheats by following the same steps and unticking the option.

As you play the game, you can assign keyboard shortcuts for the actions you frequently use. The primary method of playing Cities: Skylines is through the use of the mouse or trackpad motion.